End point: Partnership Shelter
miles hiked: 19.7
Got up early and headed out, made it to VA 650 by 10am or so. Thats the road to Troutdale, VA, where Gary (who I hung out with at the NOC) had told me to go and stop by Jerry's Kitchen for one of the best burgers near the trail. It's 2 miles down the road from the trail and I walked more than a mile before someone pulled over and asked if I needed a ride. They were still serving breakfast but that was fine with me, I wasn't in that much of a burger mood anyway. Legs showed up when I was finishing up so I we talked while he ate. Got a ride back to the trail from Gary, he was actually there working with Jerry shuttling hikers to the restaurant/store and back, to bring in more business. It was good to get to talk to him and I'll prob see him again. Got back to the trail and decided to take a nap, real food can either get you moving or put you in a coma.. Once I started hiking again Green Light and Blue Sky (met at Greasy Creek Friendly, they also did Hardcore Trail Crew) came up on me so we all hiked together for awhile and had lunch together at Trimpi Shelter. Matt from DC showed up while we ate. Hiked out with Green Light and Blue Sky and kept up with them for a good while then hiked the rest of the way with Matt from DC. The Partnership shelter is well known because it is close to the Mt Rogers visitors center and pizza places will deliver there. We got in around 8 so we had to hurry to get our orders in. Got a medium pizza and a small order of cheese fries, and split a Pepsi 2 liter w/Matt. Completely stuffed after finishing all that. Hung out with Matt, talked about The Chinese Study, vegetarianism, and eating healthy. While typing I just now realized the irony of that. ;)