Saturday, March 28, 2009

3-26-2009 Thur - my first white blaze

Start point: Black Gap Shelter
End point: Sassafras Mtn elev. - 3,300
miles hiked: 12.7

Last night sucked. It was a cold, wet, windy night. Didn't sleep that well because I was so cold. Slept on the shelter floor on top of my thermarest in my sleeping bag. Had on almost every piece of clothes I have and that was barely enough warmth. Didn't make it out till noon today. Got up at dawn but was raining hard and very cold, decided to try and sleep more, wait till rain lightened up. Made some instant oatmeal and had an apple for b-fast. After I started hiking I made it to the top of Springer Mountain pretty quick, and it was awesome. Still lots of fog (can't see any of the mountains around me, its so thick), and trees dripping on me, but I felt like I'd really started. There was a time yesterday and again today where I noticed how beautiful this is, even with shit weather, and I wondered why anyone would ever willingly quit before the end. Crossed some nice creeks today. Made it to Hawk Mtn Shelter but kept going. For 1 it was not even close to dark and I knew I could hike more. There were some hikers in the shelter and I told them I couldn't fall asleep last night so I was gonna hike more today, try to tire myself out so I could sleep better. Partially true, left out the other reason I couldn't sleep well, was freezing my balls off. Made it 3 more miles from that point before it got dark. Passed a tent on the top of Sassafras Mtn and decided I would do the same a little farther down. Made Madras Lentils for dinner (yum!). Gonna try to do 15.8 mi tomorrow to Woods Hole Shelter.
"Don't mean a thang the mud they slang, cause they can't see whats on the inside."

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