Start point: Gullion (Little Brushy Mtn.)
End point: Lynn Camp Creek
miles hiked: 9.9
Got up around the same time as everyone else but I had to catch up on some journals so I was the last one out of camp. Got down to the creek and pumped some water, did some stretches, and 3 sets of 25 pushups. After a climp up Big Walker Mtn and back down the other side you go through some rolling pastures, which would have been kinda nice but it was darn hot.

Soo much cooler in the shade of the woods. Came upon a spot near a river where they laid railroad ties to walk on as the trail, to keep from having to walk through the mud, however they end about 15 ft short. Tried to get around the edge without getting muddy, but it didn't work, so my new shoes were covered in mud. On a rainy day this wouldn't have bothered me, but its completely dry for the past week, this is just poor trail maintenance. I was pissed for the next few miles and about that time my burning toes just pissed me off more. Got to Knot Maul Branch Shelter, ate some snacks, took a short nap to cool off. Ned the Fed came along, met him a few days ago. He gave me some stuff called Jelly Toes that are kinda like little gel pads you put on your toes, says that ballerina's use them. They actually helped quite abit. We decided to go another mile or so down to Lynn Camp Creek. Set up our tents, made a good fire, ate, talked abit and went to sleep. Not one of my favorite days, getting new blisters suck.
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