End: Johns Hollow Shelter
miles hiked: 16.3
More easy hiking today, mostly downhill. Well I say easy, but do know, your feet ache after every mile, downhill especially. The one big climb was up High Cock Knob (insert joke here). We had lunch at Matts Creek Shelter and talked to Moose, he did Hardcore as well, he was on the Rock Crew this year. We descended all the way down to 680 ft and crossed over the James River on the James River Foot Bridge, the longest foot use only bridge on the AT. The last bit of trail was along a creek, so thats always a nice way to end your day. The Johns Hollow Shelter is right by the creek and it has a ton of space for tenting, one of the biggest flat areas I've seen near a shelter. It started raining as I was making dinner, but the rain and the creek were nice to go to sleep to. Bojangles, Hotfeet, Catfish, Poppins, and of course me and Dragonbreath all camped here tonight.
Here is the James River, the foot bridge is to the right of the train track bridge
My first glimpse of the James River
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