End point: Rockfish Gap - Waynesboro, VA
miles hiked: 15
total miles hiked so far: 852.5
We all made it out of camp right around 8am today, I think everyone was pretty anxious to get to town. Early today it was kinda sprinkling and foggy, so it was a little slow going for me for the first couple hours, then I put it in high gear. Made 5.6miles to the shelter in 1 1/2 hrs, then did the 5 miles from the shelter to Rockfish Gap in another hour and 1/2. Got a ride to town from some trail angels (thanks Walt and Pat), picked up some Arby's and waited at the library till the Grace Lutheran Church opened at 5pm. They can hold about 15 hikers, its not really a hostel but they have internet, tv, and cots. Gorgonzola and Denali, Nature, Dragonbreath and I all ate dinner together at Ming's Chinese Buffet. All you can eat, you better believe I put a hurtin on em'. Raffle Queen ate with us too, and Antrack joined us later. Good stuff.
Only 155 more miles of Virginia!
Here's a pic of me taking a break in the fog:
You're almost halfway! take lots of photos in Harper's Ferry.