End point: USFS 48, Hog Camp Gap
miles hiked: 8.1
(Sometimes the towns we re-supply in are not very close, so you gotta hitch in. Started playin around with my camera while we waited for a ride..)
Today I got up real early and read till Dragonbreath came down to my tent site and got me. I'm trying to finish this book "The Speed of Dark". Its pretty good so far, but its heavy so I need to read it and give it away.. Dragonbreath, Hotfeet and I got a ride into Buena Vista, VA to re-supply. We didn't get back to the trail till 5pm so going to Hog Camp Gap was our plan, not enough time to go much farther before dark. I took awhile to get over the 1st climb, then it dumped down rain on me. I did some good Lt Dan (Forrest Gump) impressions, yelling at the sky to rain harder on me. "C'mon, you call that rain, thats not rain! I want you to pour! Soak me to the bone!" It passed by quickly but there was alot of rain in a short amount of time. Got to see a pretty cool sunset on Cold Mtn:
There was a huge gathering at Hog Camp Gap. I got there late, but they had been there since thur. It was kinda like a party/hiker feed/trail magic. It was organized by some thru hikers from 99' who have been doing this in the same spot for the last 10 years, always around the same time in June. Lots of folks that we have been seeing the past couple weeks were there, and everyone was having a blast. Baltimore Jack was helping cook, and he always tries to make sure if you are hungry you get fed. I had a couple sodas, a burger, and some goose. They were cooking a cobbler in a dutch oven over the camp fire and it came out delicious. They also had one of the hand cranked ice cream makers and the ice cream was great as well. Met some new folks and had fun catching up with people I hadn't seen in awhile. Lots of people hiked in and then stayed extra days, and some people caught rides and skipped ahead to be there. I think hiking in on the last night was perfect.
Love the beard!!