End point: Big Meadows Campground
miles hiked: 20
The spot I had set up my tent last night was nice, but this morning I got swarmed by the bugs. Packed up as fast as I could and left. Not 20ft away there was a little overlook, so thats where I ate breakfast. It was too windy for the bugs to get me there. Was hiking by 7:15am so by 10am I had made some good miles. Around that time there was a huge rainstorm that blew in and I got drenched. Stopped at one to the PATC cabins are dried off under the porch. 

It sucks when your shoes and socks get so wet you can literally squeeze the water out of them. Made it to the Bearfence Hut right as another rainstorm was passing by. Nature was there, and Dragonbreath got there right after me. We waited that one out, it passed by pretty quickly. After another 8mi I stopped at Big Meadows Lodge and got a burger and fries at the bar. Its kinda cool that the Shenandoah National Park has some Waysides and Lodge's that you can get food at, but it is kinda pricey. Found Dragonbreath and Nature again, they had decided to stay at one of the pay campgrounds, they had already bought a tent site before I got there. I was planning on hiking farther, but decided to stay, having hiked in wet shoes most of the day kinda took its toll. Had some beers with Dragonbreath, the first time I've had alcohol since May 28th. 
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