Sunday, May 17, 2009

5-17-2009 Sun - Hardcore

Just barely made it in time for sign in. I was up in plenty of time but I just had problems getting all my stuff together. It was pretty funny, I finally started just throwing stuff in my pack, pulled my tent stakes and carried my tent (still set up) to the sign up, figured I'd just take it apart there and pack it up after I'd signed in. It was one of those times I'd hurried like crazy for nothing, we didn't get rolling till 9:30am. For Hardcore they take 50 hikers that are hiking the trail this year, and 50 from previous years. We re-routed the AT in a place where it went straight up, making new trails that went up in switchbacks (which are waaay easier to maintain, and cause less erosion). It was pretty hard work, but so rewarding. By the end of the day I had been sent to the crew farthest up the mountain, so when we were done and walking back to the cars the old trail had been blocked and the new trail already had been white blazed, so I got to walk down all that new trail that all of us made today. To make it even more interesting that was all trail that I had walked up at night, up from Iron Mtn Gap, so it was great to get to see it during the day. They fed us at the Watauga Dam visitors center so we got a great view of the lake as our backdrop for dinner. Gotta be up at 7am for 1 more day so I better hit the sack. Have a great week everyone!


  1. so...that favor you asked? i may or may not have granted your wish within 2hrs of the request. who's awesome? i'm awesome. you can thank me later ;-)

  2. How are you doing on funding for this adventure? If you need anything, ask and i will try to help out.
