Monday, April 27, 2009

4-20-2009 Mon - Highest Peak on the AT

Start point: Derrick Knob Shelter
End point: Mt Collins Shelter
miles hiked: 13.5

Sucks putting on wet socks and shoes in the cold cold mountain mornings. No way to get around it though, when it keeps raining there is no way to dry 'em out. Summiting Clingmans Dome today, its the highest peak on the AT, but by no means the most difficult climb. Definitley got a smoky mountain experience today. It stopped raining for awhile today and the sun tried to peek through, you could see across the gap's where the fog was rolling across and the sun chasing it away. Didn't last though, got colder as I approached the summit. Climbed the concrete spiral tower up the dome and it started sleeting. Slogging through the mud, getting pissed everytime I step in a muddy area deep enough to have water which re-soaks my already wet socks. Thought about how when I was getting going, lets say the first 150 miles, it was like an adventure. Today I wondered why I would put myself through this torture. I just pound out the miles, I'm sure it will get better.

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