Friday, August 21, 2009

8-11-2009 Tues

Start point: Finerty Pond
End point: Dalton, MA (the Birdcage)
miles hiked: 15.9

Saw this cool bug near the pond as I was hiking out this morning. Looked like its stinger was at least an inch long, would NOT want any part of that.

Bald Top Mtn was not bald. Stopped at the Cookie Lady's house on Washington Mtn Road to eat lunch, didn't think I was gonna get any cookies because when I got there no one was home, then she showed up before I left and came out with some for me. Not alot to talk about till I got to Dalton, the Library there sucks. Tried to get on the internet before they closed but apparently they shut down the computers 30 mins before the actual library closes, which was just when I was getting there. This Library has some f'd up hours too, and I generally think the people who work there have nothing better to do than to make it hard for people to use the internet. I hope to give Rob a working computer with internet someday so no one will ever have to stop at that library again, and the old ladies who work there won't have any dirty hikers to yell at. Met Ice Man and Cattywampus that night, they are a cool couple.

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